Privacy Policy of Funded Finance Solutions

1. Commitment to Privacy:

Funded Finance Solutions, holder of Australian Credit Licensee ACL 511803, is dedicated to safeguarding your personal information’s privacy.

2. Policy Overview:

We explain herein how your personal information is collected, stored, used, and disclosed, aligning with privacy laws.

3. References:

“Us”, “we”, “our” refer to Funded Finance Solutions.

4. Legal Compliance:

Adhering to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), we’re obligated to protect your personal, credit, and credit eligibility information.

5. Definition of Personal Information:

This encompasses data that identifies individuals, including but not limited to, names, addresses, financial and employment details.

6. Sensitive Information Handling:

We handle sensitive health information with utmost confidentiality, collected under special circumstances like financial hardship due to illness.

7. Credit-Related Information:

We gather information from credit reporting bodies to assess creditworthiness, including your credit history and likelihood of meeting credit commitments.

8. Why Collect Information:

Information collection is vital for product provision, service improvement, legal compliance, and offering relevant products and services.

9. Collection Methods:

Data is collected directly, through appointed representatives, or third parties, using forms, communications, or transactions.

10. Storage Solutions:

Your information is securely stored through various means including electronic systems, paper files, and off-site document retention services.

11. Security Measures:

We implement security practices like access restriction, physical and electronic security, and data destruction to protect your information.

12. Third-Party Information Sharing:

Information is shared with organizations essential for account management, legal compliance, and service provision.

13. International Data Transfer:

Your information might be transferred overseas for transaction processing or shared with entities in countries like India, Singapore, and the USA.

14. CRB Interaction:

We exchange credit-related information with Credit Reporting Bodies (CRBs) to assist in credit assessment and marketing.

15. Marketing Communication:

You’ll receive information about our and partners’ products and services, with an option to opt-out.

16. Access and Correction:

You may access or correct your information by contacting us, though some restrictions may apply.

17. Privacy Policy Updates:

We may revise this policy periodically, with updates available on our website.

18. Anonymous Dealing:

There are circumstances where you can interact with us anonymously or using pseudonyms.

19. Complaint Handling:

Complaints are addressed through our internal and external dispute resolution processes, and you may escalate unresolved issues to AFCA or OAIC.

20. Contact Us:

For privacy concerns or inquiries, contact our Compliance Manager at (